It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event, during or outside normal school hours. We want all our children to look smart when at school and feel proud to wear their uniform.
Our uniform policy is outlined below. We expect all our children to wear a school jumper or cardigan carrying our logo and these can be purchased via the Price and Buckland link below:
New link from 11th February 2025:
All other items can be purchased from any High Street store or supermarket, they DO NOT need to be order from Price and Buckland.
We also offer optional Edith Cavell book-bags and PE bags.
As all children will be wearing the same items of clothing, parents must ensure that all items are clearly labelled with the child’s name.
A guide to ordering uniform is also attached.
We expect all children to wear plain flat black shoes in school (No trainers). During the winter, children can wear flat boots to school but they need to change into black shoes or black pumps to wear inside the school building. Flat black sandals can be worn in summer. Footwear should not have any adornments such as logos, fur, braid, beads etc.
If you have any queries or questions about the school branded sweatshirts and cardigans, please contact Price and Buckland through their website. Any general queries about uniform should be made to the school office or a member of staff.
We hold a small stock of good quality, previously owned, second hand uniform which can, if available, be supplied for a small charge, or free of charge. Please email the school office, or speak to a member of staff if this is something that you may be interested in.