• Phone : 01234 345636
  • Opening Time : 8:45am - 3:40pm
  • Address : Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7NH

National Curriculum Assessments

This data covers the attainment of Year 6 pupils who took assessments in Summer 2023.  These pupils experienced disruption to their learning during the pandemic, particularly the second half of Year 3 and the start of Year 4.

During the Summer Term, 2023, Year 6 children at Edith Cavell Primary School undertook the end of Key Stage Assessment Tasks in English, Mathematics and Science. The results were as follows:-

37 Children% at Expected +% at GD
Reading (Test)73%72%74%22%28%
Writing (TA)59%66%72%5%13%
Maths (Test)70%70%73%34%23%
RWM Combined57%55%61%5%
GPAs (Test)79%73%72%45%32%
Science (TA)76%81%
38 Children% at Expected +% at GD
Reading (Test)71%67.5%73%29%26%29%
Writing (TA)63%62%71%3%4%13%
Maths (Test)74%67.9%73%31.5%18.8%23.8%
RWM Combined53%51%59%3%2.8%8%
GPAs (Test)79%79%69.8%72%42%
Science (TA)74%


GD = Working at Greater Depth Standard for the year group

GPAS = Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

RWM = Combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics

TA = Teacher Assessment