• Phone : 01234 345636
  • Opening Time : 8:45am - 3:40pm
  • Address : Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7NH

Year 3/4 went to Holdenby house on Wednesday 22nd May 2024 for our WWII topic.

We went to Holdenby House on 22nd May 2024 for our WW2 topic. We got split up into
three groups. The first group went to the kitchen, the second group went to make do and
mend and the third group went to the shelter. In the shelter we learnt there is a bell called a
Gas alarm rattle. When you hold the handle and spin it it makes a sound then you will know
if there is a gas attack. In the kitchen we made wedding cake decorations, mashed
potatoes, bread crumbs, peeled potatoes, salted vegetables and cut carrots and potatoes. In
make do and mend we were doing pom poms, cards and drawings for soldiers.

When we came to school we had to sit and get our packed lunches ready. We had 3 groups.  When we left we had to go on the bus. It took half an hour.  When we got there we had a snack. After the children hung their bags up so that we didn’t need to carry them anymore.  Group 1 went down in the bunker. Group 2 went to the kitchen and group 3 went making toys.  Group 2 did cutting and mixing. It was so hard to do it. The photo shows children doing cutting.  Group 1 went to the air raid bunker. The light went out and then back on. After the children looked at gas masks. It was fun to look at.  After we had a lunch break in a big room. After the people ate we did a song called Run Rabbit run rabbit. After the song we went back on the bus (took the same amount of time). After that, we came back to school and went home.

Written by Sufyan from Ruby class.

When we got there we got in to 3 groups. We did some cooking, crocheting and went in to the bunker. It was a bit scary when the light turned off. It was a fun day.

Written by Nimrat, Sapphire class.